Everything You Need to Know About Fish Hooks

If you want to rise from being an amateur angler, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the tools of your trade. Of the different components that you’ll use, from the types of bait to the model of your fishing rod, having a better understanding of your fishing hook can help learn how to tackle different types of fishing spots and potential catches.

Understanding the different parts of a fishing hook

Before you can learn about complicated concepts, such as hook types and hook points and sizes, you should first understand the basic parts of fishing. Listed below is a breakdown of what each part does:

  • Point: The fishing hook’s sharp bit that pierces through the fish’s mouth.
  • Barb: The backward-facing spike that prevents the hook from getting loose.
  • Throat: The portion of the hook that runs down to its point.
  • Shank: The portion of the hook that runs down to its blunt end.
  • Gap/Gape: The space between the throat and the shank.
  • Bend: The angular shape of the hook that curves it back to itself.
  • Eye: The ring that connects the hook to a lure or line.

Keep in mind that each fishing hook fits a particular purpose. For instance, a long, narrow shank is excellent if you’re using thin baits such as worms. However, wide gape fishing hooks allow the use of thicker baits to tempt larger prey. Depending on your fishing preference and potential catch, however, the fish hook’s point and eye have the most number of varieties.

Knowing the advantages of different hook points

The hook is the bread and butter of your fishing build, which is why many advancements and changes to hook points have improved its design. Their different shapes and forms also offer various advantages to your setup. Listed below are five common hook points:

  • Spearpoint:  As the most common hook point, it offers average performance and usage. It runs straight from its throat, giving you decent penetration to the caught fish. Compared to other point variants, these points are easier to sharpen due to its straightforward design.
  • Needlepoint: It can easily pierce fish while causing minimal damage to it. These hooks create a small puncture, which reduces harm to the fish while making it harder for them to throw off the fishing hook.
  • Hollowpoint: It cuts through soft-mouthed fish and stays in place once it punctures the mouth. However, it can be harder to set the hook with a hollow point for predators with tougher jaws.
  • Rolled in point: It pierces deeply with minimal pressure by allowing you to maintain your force directly through the fish’s mouth. Rolled in point hooks are excellent for frush that likes to thrash about when getting closer to your boat.
  • Knife-edge point: Having sharpened edges on both sides from the skank, knife-edge points inflict maximum penetration. One downside of these points, however, is they can cause considerable damage to the fish, which can end up running your catch.

Reading fish hook sizes

The smallest hooks often begin with a size 30 running up as it grows larger to a size 1. After that, however, the size measurements switch to aughts with 1/0, or one aught, to 27/0. Although there’s a standard scaling for fish hooks, sizes vary when compared to different brands.


Whether you’re fishing as a hobby or looking forward to becoming a competitive angler, it can always help to learn more about the tools that you use for fishing escapades. The more you learn about your tools, the more effective you’ll be in hunting your dream catch.

Tying a fisherman’s knot is an essential part of setting your hook. With the help of modern technology, we’ve developed a multi-functional fishing knot tying tool to help accelerate and secure your preparation. Buy our product and others like it by browsing through our online catalogue of fishing gear today!

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